Thursday, 25 October 2012

The Beazley Archive

the Beazley Archive is a world centre for the study of ancient Greek painted pottery.

The Archive contains the world's largest collection of photographs of ancient Greek painted pottery, as well as relevant books and offprints, extensive material on the history of gem-collecting, and thousands of other documents and photographs relating to classical archaeology and to Sir John Beazley. Many of the Archive's images are available online.

Attic red-figure Kerch hydria (mid 4th cent.)

Athena and Poseidon vie for the Acropolis with its sacred olive tree protected by a serpent below and a Nike above. To the left Dionysos and a panther, to the right...

The most remarkable thing about this large,very fine hydria, found at Kerch, ancient Pantikapion, is the subject: Athena and Poseidon vying at the sacred olive was the centre-piece of the west pediment of the Parthenon.